Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Not getting a close indication had to do with learning more gl, done, works, need work on follow screens (esp remote-data-confirm)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Still battling new Comcast router when I should be working Amino/Leucine

I'll try a little now (iOS).  Cannot detect when a ray marker is close to a model: Trying to guess at appropriate thing to do with original position and model view matrix.

Friday, October 24, 2014

If I log it, at least it's a warning.  Another ration of failure with the Winegard TV antenna and preamp, cannot get upstairs Vizio showing anything except noise on channels 5 & 6. Out to the garage with it.  Hope for better with the new comcast modem/wireless-router, plenty of video cable to get set up, need only patch telephone line from top of Ana's closet to old modem location.